Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tide Pool Field Trip

Our field trip to the tide pools was a blast! The weather was perfect. We found some great sea creatures and learned a lot about ocean life.

In case you are unaware, this was Mr. Papadonis' last tide pool field trip with Memorial School due to him retiring in a few weeks! We will miss him dearly but we are very lucky to gain Ms. Pavlecik as the new Science Center Director. We wish you both the best in your new endeavors!
Thank you for ALL YOU DO and HAVE DONE!!

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Planting Cucumbers & Rainforest Animals

We have been so busy in the 1st grade!
As you know, the students planted cucumber seeds and brought them home so you can plant them outside and enjoy yummy cukes this summer.

The rainforest projects came out fantastic!
Enjoy the pictures of both :)

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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Have you filled out a CORI form, yet?

We are going on our final field trip May 24th to the Marblehead Neck tidepools. We are able to take any parent who wants to come...however, you need to have filled out a CORI and it must come back clean before we can allow you to come. So, if you want to come with us, get to the high school ASAP as the process takes 2-3 weeks.