Monday, August 17, 2009


Hello Incoming First Graders, Friends, and Family!
I hope you have had a fantastic summer! I certainly kept very busy and can't believe the new school year will begin in just about 2 weeks! By creating this blog, I feel that sharing our classroom work and experiences will not only create a better school-home connection, but will also get children interactively reading and writing more. To start that interactive process, I'd like for my incoming first graders to answer the following question:
What was your favorite part of your summer vacation? My favorite part of my summer vacation was just last week when I went away to Bar Harbor Maine. I hiked mountains, ate new foods,
and spent a lot of time outdoors enjoying nature. I even saw a deer right next to me. I've posted a couple of pictures from my trip for you to see and can't wait to read about your summer!

See you September 2nd!
Ms. Grigway


Donya Afshar said...

My favorite memory of summer vacation was visiting Canobie Lake Park with my cousins. My favorite ride was the Boston Tea Party, I was soaked and had so much fun! I am so excited and looking forward to first grade and my new school.

Gaiero said...

My favorite part of summer vacation was learning to swim in the deep water everywhere. I swam in lakes, pools, and the ocean. My favorite place to swim is a pool but I enjoyed all bodies of water this summer!

SkatingTurtle13 said...

My favorite part of summer vacation was going to the Water Wizz! Check it out at

Charlie said...

My favorite part of summer was visiting my Godmother/Aunt Mary and Uncle Chris at Conesus Lake in Geneseo, NY. I had a turn steering the party boat! It was a lot of fun!

I also had a family reunion in Coventry, RI. I have a lot of cousins, it was fun playing with them.

Donna Noonan said...

Hi, Miss Grigway:
My favorite part of summer was playing with friends.

I can't wait for school to start!

Sydney's Mom said...

I have many favorite memories from my summer vacation. I spent a few days on the Cape with my Nonni and Papa. We went swimming, mini-golfing, shopping, and had lots of laughs. We also had a big pool party at my house with all of my friends in my neighborhood. We had a big bouncy house and a my Dad got a sno-kone machine. The sno-kones were yummy! I will miss the summer but am excited to go to first grade.

Ms. Grigway said...

WOW! It sounds like some great things happened this summer! I can't wait to hear more about your summer tomorrow when we meet :)