Hi Everyone!
I can hardly believe it's time to get ready for school again. I have enjoyed the summer very much and I hope you have as well. I have all ready begun getting things prepared for the new school year and as much as I LOVE the summer, I am excited to get started! There are so many great things in store for us.
I hope you check this blog regularly...become a follower if you'd like. Last year was the first year I used the blog and am hoping I will be better at updating it this year. I will try to post all new information and resources you need to know here as well as photos and videos of the students hard at work or enjoying a fun time :)
To the right is a calendar I will update with scheduled events and happenings as they come about to help you keep track.
Please don't ever hesitate to email me~it's the best way to get in touch with me. I check my email {too} often.
I am looking forward to meeting my new students and families and to a great school year. There is a survey to the right of this post for the students. Please let them know that I am nervous and excited for the new school year!
Enjoy the last weeks of vacation and see you soon.